
WhatsApp introduces New Features for Channels

WhatsApp has upgraded its channels feature. WhatsApp has also improved Subidao by upgrading the channel feature for celebrities and public figures to connect with their audience. The channel Subida provides users with the facility to send messages to their followers.

Meta CEO announced that WhatsApp has added four exciting features for Channels. These features of WhatsApp are helpful in improving the experience of users.

WhatsApp Channels features

  • Channel admins can now send voice messages with the help of WhatsApp’s first feature. This update is great for chatting.
  • With the help of other features of WhatsApp, you can present polls in channels. Admins can ask their opinions on various topics with the help of this feature.
  • WhatsApp channels can now have multiple admins. This is especially useful for larger organizations that need to keep their channels active.
  • Users can share interesting updates from channels on WhatsApp Status, which will help channels grow their audience.

These updates should be available to everyone soon. It is clear that these new features will make WhatsApp channels interactive for both admins and followers.

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