
OxygenOS 15 Features: These are the features OnePlus needs to excel in

OxygenOS 15 Features: OnePlus previously used ColorOS in its devices, after which OnePlus released its own OxygenOS Android skin a few years ago. After some struggle, OnePlus has provided a better experience by introducing better features in OxygenOS 14. For more better features, OnePlus is working on OxygenOS 15 based on Android 15. In this article, we will discuss all the features that OnePlus should upgrade or improve.

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Improved Media Player: OxygenOS 15 Features

The first feature that OnePlus needs to upgrade is the media player in OxygenOS. OnePlus desperately needs to update the current player. The current media player feels out of place with the UI in the settings and lock screen. OnePlus needs to move the media player below the slider and also show thumbnails along with the like and dislike buttons. This will save taps which can be used by the user to quickly jump to different sections.

OxygenOS 15 Features: These are the features OnePlus needs to excel in
OxygenOS 15 Features

Customizable Alert Slider

Alert slider is a good feature of OnePlus, but its functionality is not great. The alert slider provides the facility to switch sound profiles. OnePlus should upgrade this feature and make it better so that users can get more features in Alert Slider. OnePlus needs to add features like normal/high-performance mode for games, the ability to switch between DND and ring mode, etc.

OxygenOS 15 Features: These are the features OnePlus needs to excel in
OxygenOS 15 Features

Lockscreen Widgets

Almost all brands need to introduce lock screen widgets in their devices with Android 15 update, OnePlus is also included in all these brands. Hope OnePlus provides more lock screen widgets with Android 15 update.

OxygenOS 15: These are the features OnePlus needs to excel in
OxygenOS 15 Features

Quick Settings

The quick setting panel of OnePlus OxygenOS is an average panel. It displays the same look as RealmeUI and ColorOS which doesn’t look anything special, so OnePlus needs to improve it with OxygenOS 15.

OxygenOS 15 Features: These are the features OnePlus needs to excel in
OxygenOS 15 Features

Now Playing feature

OnePlus plays an important role in the smartphone industry. Due to better features and specifications, OnePlus needs to provide a new feature known as Now Play. This feature is provided in Pixel devices. This feature provides the facility to detect the music playing nearby, which displays the name of the song on the audio or notification. OnePlus should introduce this feature with OxygenOS 15.

OxygenOS 15 Features: These are the features OnePlus needs to excel in
OxygenOS 15 Features

AI Features

Almost all the major smartphone brands are providing a lot of AI features in their UI and OnePlus has also announced OnePlus Eye for AI features. With the help of OnePlus Ai, OnePlus is expected to provide a video boost feature and an AI-generated wallpaper feature.

OxygenOS 15 Features: These are the features OnePlus needs to excel in
OxygenOS 15 Features

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OxygenOS 15 Features: These are the features OnePlus needs to excel in

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