
How Many Software Updates Realme P1 5G and Realme P1 Pro 5G Get?

Every user checks the key features and specifications of a smartphone before buying it. Along with this, only some special users check the information related to smartphone software updates. Updates are released based on the software update policy prepared by each smartphone brand. Recently, Realme launched the Realme P1 series, which has created a lot of excitement among users. This series includes two models Realme P1 and Realme P1 Pro.

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Realme P1 Series: Realme P1 5G and Realme P1 Pro 5G

This article will tell you how many software updates Realme P1 and P1 Pro will receive. Realme releases updates for its devices based on its software policy. Unlike other smartphone brands, Realme sticks to its old software update policy in which it releases two OS updates and 3 years of security patch updates for the model.

How Many Software Updates Realme P1 5G and Realme P1 Pro 5G Get?

Realme has not officially announced how many software updates and security patch updates will be released for Realme P1 5G and Realme P1 Pro 5G in the Realme P1 series. However, analyzing the software update policy, it is expected that this series will receive two software updates and 3 years of security patch updates.

The Realme P1 series has been launched with Android 14-based Realme UI 5.0. Both these smartphones will get 2 OS i.e. software updates up to Android 16 and 3 years i.e. security patch updates till 2027.

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How Many Software Updates Realme P1 5G and Realme P1 Pro 5G Get?

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